It all begins with an idea on how to improve access to healthcare.

Foundation Health and Wellness is designed to help you be at your best. We offer concierge care, urgent/acute visits, medication assisted weight loss, IV therapy, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), aesthetics such as Jeuveau, Xeomin, RHA filler, SkinPen microneedling, sexual health, Normatec compression therapy, and sports recovery/sports performance, . Our goal is to get you back to your regular daily activities in a timely manner. We understand the challenges of missing work, needing to find childcare, etc. and we don’t want you waiting in a waiting room for an unknown amount of time. Here you will make your appointment, receive care, and get back to life!

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic people have had a difficult time being seen by their primary care providers for a multitude of reasons. At Foundation, we believe you should have access to the same great care regardless of your symptoms. Our space allows us to care for you for both wellness and illness without concerns of cross contamination.

Referrals are often part of follow-up care and at times getting in to see a specialist can be difficult. We have partnered with different specialties to assist you in making timely appointments.

Please note there may be conditions that we feel would best be served at an emergency room and we may contact you to discuss your appointment prior to the scheduled time.