Male Testosterone Replacement and Hormone Optimization

Hormones play an essential role in overall immune system well-being and help protect us from diseases and conditions such as osteoporosis and heart disease, among others. Research finds that after the age of 30, most men will experience an imbalance of hormones and a decreased testosterone levels. The decline can be anywhere from 3%-10% per year! The careful restoration of proper hormone balance and replacement will help alleviate the symptoms. There is also measurable benefit to overall health and well-being. 

Many men have been told to just “deal with the symptoms” of hormone imbalance or “this is a normal part of aging!” Contrary to common belief, we’re here to tell you that relief is in sight and overall health protection is our goal!

Do you find yourself experiencing any of the following symptoms?

Fatigue or lack of energy?

Unexpected weight-gain or trouble losing weight?

Decreased muscle mass? Decreased Strength?

Difficulty sleeping at night?

Erectile dysfunction?

Anxiety, Depression, or On edge?

Brain Fog?

Decreased sexual desire and performance?

Decreased testosterone levels or “Low-T” can be attributed to a condition called andropause. This is a natural process of aging in men that is caused by a gradual decline in testosterone levels. It typically occurs between the ages of 40 and 55 and often leads to many of the symptoms listed above. Although it is a normal part of the aging process, it can be frustrating and diminish a man’s quality of life.

Fortunately, there are treatments available, such as hormone replacement therapy. This treatment process can effectively alleviate symptoms and help men continue to lead healthy and active lives. It is recommended that men who are experiencing symptoms of andropause speak to a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for their individual needs.

Here at Foundation Health & Wellness, we are here to have that conversation and guide you by tailoring a testosterone replacement therapy program to meet your specific needs and goals. We also work with our clients to treat erectile dysfunction.

We know these are tough conversations to have and we want you to rest assured that confidentiality, privacy, and professionalism are our utmost priority!

Let us help you get back to the best version of you!